
The future backwards for billionaires

Photo by Daniam Chou

Apparently it is not enough by far, for the crust of Corporate Management in Retro Active which cashed in on 70s nostalgia at first and then took nostalgia all the way back to the era of World War I.

Retro Active also took nostalgia back to last month and last week.


How fast the zeitgeist moved was recognised by the Company and the product strategists made some extremely accurate calls about latest trends which definitely became past trends within weeks. These past trends were barely past, but evoked so much nostalgia that they had enough of a market as Retro products.

Retro the concept was born out of an idea that took hold with a controversy about  national team players of various countries being depicted as more handsome than they really are, by an artist who did renditions of them for the comic book pages.

But already Retro was trending among the younger demographic. Twenty-somethings went out of their way to portray themselves as square jawed and slack haired.

Since the Company teamed up with European travel giant H-Hikers the Company stock has soared.

Retro Active would not have succeeded say 50 years ago or ten years ago, says founder Pearlie Suma originally from Sri Lanka. But people incrementally become bored, she says.

Finally they became board enough to consider last week as Retro, she says with an exclamation mark look in her face.

Retro stock has been soaring but some analysts believe the Company fortunes would not keep improving. They say that the Company is banking on ephemeral fads.

It’s a funny way of estimating a concern that has made literally billions for its directorate.

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