
Games countries play?


Does it take two countries to get together and invent a game? It is said that the invention of mah-jong was by two brothers. However, it became a way of life not just in China but also in the US. Nobody really sits  down to invent a game.

However, you need to think about that question again.

It all began as a diplomatic initiative between two countries in the new continent, Subaisha and the Dominion Emirates.

When these two countries were totally at loggerheads and on the verge of war, it occurred to two diplomats acting on the advice of literati that they should encourage the people of two countries to invent a game. Any game.

However, the people seem to have relegated this task, to folk in both countries who have a history of inventing board, games, card games, and other pastimes.

They collaborated and that is how Ilit-1 was born.

What is the game called Illit-1 and and not just plain Illit or something of that sort?

The entomology of the name is still rather obscure. Maybe when they invented Illit-1 they thought the game would not have much of a shelf life and Illit-2 would soon have to follow.

But it became so addictive that in eight countries the game has been banned for the simple reason that it’s taken to be a massive drain on man hours and therefore the health of the economy.

Illit-1 turned on the head the accepted adage that a game is only a game. It’s history is such that Illit-1 caused two nations to go to war because the game was played at a national level, meaning that citizens, not teams payed each other.

The citizen to citizen acrimony however became so intense and it’s the first time in the history of the world that a man made hobbyist game in fact led to a war, albeit brief, between the two nations.

The inventors of the game say that it is fortuitous that the stand off was not between the two nations that were responsible for creating the game.

Illit-1 is breaking all records for a game, in terms of sales generated.

That’s partly because it’s a case of gaming over multiple platforms. It’s gaming on the board, and gaming on the consoles and the websites and even gaming on model structures laid over yawning real landscapes.

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