
Bizarre tea? The competition cowers


Dragon-Eye beverages is a company that is not quite defined by its name. Dragon Eye is not a beverage company but a cultural edifice.

It’s evolution was gradual, with its rather unknown first owners from China started selling tea suffused with shots of alcohol. Howover at the beginning the taste of alcohol all but drowned out the taste of any tea.

The Company subsequently fell into the hands of Rotiz and Rotiza Pera a power couple originally from Brazil. They have now shown how much they can power the beverage industry with slight touches of novelty, even humour.

Their teas have been called bizzaire in no less a place than the Toki F & B Review. But the label has got them to where they are now: the hottes bizzaire beverage Company that everyone wants to copy.

Rotiza Perera answered a few questions for this publication:

What is Dragon-Eye’s secret? Is it primarily the name despite the pyromaniacal choices made with new blends of drinks to set the beverages world on fire?

Dragon-Eye was not a good name and was not deemed a good choice

of name for a beverage Comoany in the first place. Perhaps the worst name for a soft drink since Pokari Sweat, which was incidentally also successful.

Why is Dragon-Eye selling far more alcohol teas in China and Asia than the West despite the fact that culturally these types of beverages are frowned on in this part of the world?

Everyone knew that this was a misconception but pretended it was not. But alcohol teas became a retail commodity when we entered the business because we were able to sell alcohol suffused tea leaves, and that was predicted as an impossibity.

What businesses are Dragon Eye expanding into … meaning is the company taking in any ventures outside of the beverage industry

We are going heavily into celebrating tea culture and though this may never be called an industry that’s what it is slowly becoming. Tea culture is about creating a worldwide community that is, to put it in simple language, in commune with each other due to tea.

Is Dragon-Eye, as a particularly imaginative columnist in a Oceania web publication has called it, ‘tea as religion.”

It is some thing more than that. Tea is something that we drink and it is also keeping us alive to the possibilities of fulfilling our full potential. It is not a religion. It is life itself.

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